Accounting and BillingPHP Scripts
Accufy v2.1 – SaaS Business & Accounting Software Nulled Free
PHP Software that gives your Customers the Ability to Create and Manage Businesses, Invoices, Estimates, Customers, Tax and Expenses. Users also can Create Multiple Businesses with Different Currencies so they can Easily keep track of their Businesses in one Platform.
Main Features
- SEO Friendly
- Easy Integration and Customization
- Google Analytics
- Advanced settings option
- Custom Packages
- Manage Customer, Categorie, Tax, Product, Vendor and Expense
- Google Analytics
- Membership System
- User billing and upgrade option
- Print Invoice
- Live currency converter
- Multiuser options
- Toaster notification with ajax
- Currency converter
- Secure Authentication
- Contact Messages
- Record payment for invoices
- Google reCaptcha
- jQuery Data tables and form validations
- Popup notification
- and more